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Achieving Trading Goals in 2010

With the start of a new year upon us, many traders will be setting goals for both their trading and personal development. There are certain tools that successful people use in order to give themselves the best chance of achieving these goals.  In this complimentary video newsletter Nick McDonald shares with you nine simple methods to ensure you achieve your trading goals and resolutions in 2010.

Conservative Trading: Wide stop or close target?

The following is an extract written by Nick McDonald which featured in a book titled 'Stop Orders' by Tony Loton, published recently by Harriman House. See bottom of this page for a link to the book on Amazon.

I have met many self-proclaimed ‘conservative’ traders who think that the use of wide stops is what makes their trading conservative. They state that this approach means their stop is “less likely to be hit” and therefore it is a “sensible, more cautious approach”. They are correct on one thing, the stop is less likely to be hit. The stop, however, is just one factor in profitable trading and conservative does not always equal profitable. This is often conservative to the point of being detrimental to trading success!

Mastering the Markets with Leading Technical Indicator Combinations

Many new and experienced traders a like spend a lot of time looking for the one magic indicator that will make them a success.  Professional traders (those who make their living from trading) know that such a holy grail does not exist. Rather a combination of hard work and skill to master a solid trading strategy is required. 

A technical trading strategy is a combination of many technical factors occurring at the same time.  Trading with just one indicator is the equivalent of trying to bake a chocolate cake with just one ingredient, lets say a cup of sugar. A chocolate cake requires first a number of ingredients, then a recipe of how to put them together. A trade with edge in your favour requires a number of technical ingredients, then a trading strategy showing how to put those ingredients together.

US Dollar Strength Likely to be Coming Soon, 2nd Dec 09

Today Nick McDonald takes a look at the ICE listed futures contract, the Dollar Index.  With the whole world watching the US dollar right now and the dollar dictating what happens in world markets, the dollar index has become one of the most important contracts for a trader to be watching. 

Nick sees potential for strength creeping into the USD after an extended decline and outlines his reasons for thinking so in this video.

The Importance of Leading Indicators

In my video on the 22nd October I discussed where I thought the major currencies where heading.  This week I revisit that video and show you how my use of leading indicators meant I was able to make some fairly accurate predictions.  

At Trade With Precision we are strongly against the use of traditional lagging indicators.  There is no use having an indicator that signals a change in trend after the event has actually occurred.  Could your trading results improve with the added benefit of leading indicators?

What happens when 'everyone' thinks Sterling is going lower?

Somebody said to me recently "everyone knows that sterling is going lower". 

The statement got me a little bit excited... when in history has 'everyone' been right?  Did everyone see the top of the dot com boom or just in hindsight?  How about the banking collapse in 2008... did 'everyone' see it coming or did they just tell you about it and provide explanations after the fact? Did 'everyone' or for that matter 'anyone', see the bottom of the index and stock markets formed in March this year?  No. If anything 'everyone' thought it was doomsday and the markets were going lower. Many still do.

The point here? If 'everyone' thinks something is going to happen, usually its the end of the move.

The Major Currencies - Are They At Critical Turning Points?

In this video I discuss my view on the major currencies for the coming week.  Several of the majors are at critical points and may be due for a correction or at least a period of consolidation.

I also show you a couple of indicators that can give you an insight into a currency's likely path over the coming weeks.  Unlike most lagging indicators which often tell you what has happened, these can help you forecast what is about to happen.

Creating Consistency by Steve Ward

"Consistency is in the mind, not in the markets", Mark Douglas, Trading In The Zone
What is consistency in trading?
“I would like greater consistency in my trading.”

This is one of the most common phrases I hear when I work with a trader. The first question that I will ask them is to define what they mean by consistency.
Would you like greater consistency in your trading?

What does consistency mean to you?

Predicting Market Moving Events by Travis McKenzie

In this video I show you how I use Trade With Precision's economic calendar to predict days in advance which economic data and news items are most likely to have a dramatic market moving effect on the Forex markets.  You simply cannot afford to ignore these clues.

Swing Trader Vs Day Trader - Who Makes the Most Money?

The question arises time and time again, "should I become an intraday trader or a swing trader?" and even more often "who makes the most money?"

In today's newsletter we answer this question as well as exploring the opportunities that exist for the different style of traders on world markets.  We also consider the intricacies of trading the two different styles, hopefully helping you to decide which is best for you.

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