Mastering the Markets with Leading Technical Indicator Combinations
Many new and experienced traders a like spend a lot of time looking for the one magic indicator that will make them a success. Professional traders (those who make their living from trading) know that such a holy grail does not exist. Rather a combination of hard work and skill to master a solid trading strategy is required.
A technical trading strategy is a combination of many technical factors occurring at the same time. Trading with just one indicator is the equivalent of trying to bake a chocolate cake with just one ingredient, lets say a cup of sugar. A chocolate cake requires first a number of ingredients, then a recipe of how to put them together. A trade with edge in your favour requires a number of technical ingredients, then a trading strategy showing how to put those ingredients together.
Recently Nick McDonald was invited to speak at the Las Vegas Traders Expo and discuss how he uses a combination of leading indicators, putting them together at the same moment to identify truly high probability trading opportunities... often! The event was a great success and we are running the presentation again, this time via webinar in January. The webinar is in conjunction with corporate sponsors TradeStation & ICE. It would be great if you could join us.
Please visit this link to register for the complimentary webinar:
Date: Wednesday 20th January 2010
Time: 1pm Chicago, 7pm London, 8am (21st Jan) Auckland
Nick will be discussing day trading on the Russell 2000 index... its going to be a popular webinar with limited capacity so register soon to secure your place.
Speak to you then!
The TWP Trading Team
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