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Currency & Equity Markets Outlook from Nick McDonald

Nick McDonald shares his trading views for the week ahead on equity and currency markets. Nick also includes an example of a live trade recording on the DX demonstrating how he uses major support/resistance levels for intraday trading opportunities.

Nick McDonald Market Outlook for Week of 16th May 2011

Nick McDonald provides his regular weekly forecasts for ICE futures with a look at the Russell 2000 and major cash indices plus the US Dollar Index and spot currencies.

The Week Ahead on Equity & Currency Markets

Ryan Schofield provides this week's commentary on the equity and currency markets.

Equity Market Commentary:

Surviving the Earnings Season

With the US earnings season underway it's imperative that if you are holding stock positions overnight you are aware of when stocks are announcing their earnings.  Trading is all about locating low risk and high reward set ups.  Holding a stock over its earnings announcement is an extremely high risk situation that is best avoided.  In today's video Travis McKenzie will show you how to avoid those high risk situations. 

The Week Ahead: Indices Up, Dollar Down

Nick McDonald provides this weeks commentary and discusses the reasons why current trends are likely to continue, plus the factors that could cause a change of trend to occur.

Equity Market Commentary:

Best Trading Books

I have literally hundreds of trading books on my shelves, some great and some not worth the paper they are printed on.

Market Commentary for Week Commencing 25th April 2011

Nick McDonald provides a market outlook this Easter weekend with a view that a falling US dollar is likely to continue as USDJPY catches up with the selling pressure and that US stocks are likely to push higher again from here.

Index and Equity Market Commentary for Week Commencing 18th April 2011

Ryan Schofield presents his views and outlook for the week ahead on index and currency markets.

Trading Lessons from Mark Douglas

In today's video Travis McKenzie discusses how, with the help of Mark Douglas, he works to eliminate emotions from his trading.  With the right tools it isn't as hard as you may think. 

Market Commentary for Week Commencing 11th April 2011

Ryan Schofield presents this weeks complimentary videos with a technical view for the week ahead on index and currency markets.

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