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Market Outlook for the Week Ahead (23 Jan 2012)

Ryan Schofield present this weeks market outlook videos with a technical view for the week ahead on equity and currency markets.

The Markets This Week

Nick McDonald provides his trading outlook for the week ahead on stock and currency markets following recent credit rating downgrades of many European countries in an increasingly uncertain situation.

Will You Achieve Your Goals This Year?

Every year traders make New Year resolutions (ie goals for the coming year), however, so few ever achieve them. The main reason so many fail is that they set themselves up for failure by setting their goals incorrectly. In this video Craig discusses 5 critical steps every trader must take in order to set goals and be able to achieve them. Don't let 2012 be yet another year of failed goals.

Nick's First Market Outlook of 2012 for US Dollar and Equities

Nick McDonald looks to the days, weeks and months ahead and details his predictions on where the equity and currency markets are likely to be heading in these complimentary videos.

Final Complimentary Market Update for 2011

Nick McDonald provides his last outlook for 2011 with a view on the direction for equity and currency markets this week. The currency markets are finally finding some direction however equities remain range bound for the time been. 

From all of us at Trade with Precision we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Forex & Equities Outlook for the Fortnight Before Christmas (12th Dec 2011)

Nick McDonald provides both a short and long term outlook for stock and forex markets with just a fortnight to go until most traders will head off for a Christmas break. Will we stay in a range bound market or will the traditional Santa Claus rally take place?

Nick McDonald's Outlook for the Week Ahead (5th December 2011)

Nick provides an outlook on equity and currency markets for the week ahead with key trading levels to be watching combined with market direction for higher probability trading opportunities. Nick additionally provides his bigger picture view for the coming months.

US Dollar Strength & Equity Market Weakness To Continue

In this week's videos Travis McKenzie outlines why he believes the US Dollar will continue to strengthen and the Equity Markets will continue to fall this week and how he will be looking to profit from those moves.

Market Outlook Commentary for Equity Markets and US Dollar Index

In this week's videos Travis McKenzie outlines how the European sovereign debt crisis is still affecting the equity markets and US Dollar and consquently why the equity markets now look bearish and the US Dollar bullish.

Stocks Looking Bullish, US Dollar Bearish in News Driven Markets

In this week's videos Nick McDonald outlines his reasoning behind his assessment that stocks will head higher from here and the US Dollar will decline. The situation in Europe remains tense and can change the technical situation in a heartbeat however the charts are starting to confirm this direction more and more in recent days and weeks.

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