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Swiss & Dollar Weakness The Aim Of The Game

Craig Cobb identifies Swiss and Dollar weakness and discusses he how he intends to take advantage of the situation over the coming week.

If you would like to take Craig up on his offer for a 1 to 1 consultation with him click here to register.

Last Week's Outcome and This Week's Watchlist

Craig Cobb reviews last week's action and discusses the key levels and forex pairs he will be watching for the coming week. 

Key Levels and Direction for the Forex Market

Craig Cobb discusses the key levels he will be watching across the forex market and also outlines which direction he believes prices will be heading.

Learn From Your Stand Out Trades

In this video you will hear from the Trade With Precision Trading Team's apprentice Graeme Kennerley as he discusses the benefits of recording and reviewing your stand out trades. This is an extremely important exercise if you wish to continually develop as a trader.

See Nick McDonald Trade Live ... For Free

Watch the video to see Nick McDonald in action and to learn how you can attend for free a live trading webinar presented by him.

Which Wes Moore Will You Become?

Two men from the same neighbourhood, same background, and had the same opportunities; one ends up a Rhodes Scholar, one ends up serving life in jail.

Two traders sit next to each other in a seminar, both learn the same strategies, both attend the same mentoring with the same coach, both trade the same markets; one becomes a consistently profitable trader, one ends up losing their life savings.

Travis McKenzie discusses how this is possible and how to ensure you end up at the right destination.

Sick of False Breakouts?

Like a large majority of traders the first strategy we ever learnt was the humble breakout. It’s a common strategy that you will find in a large number of trading books and courses. Whilst it appears on the surface to be a simple strategy that is easy to master, more often than not most traders struggle to be consistently profitable with it. Falling victim to false breakouts is the main reason why traders discard breakouts and continue their search for a profitable strategy.

Handle Losses Like a Winner

With a webinar from Steve Ward taking place for Trade With Precision clients next week, we thought it was timely to share with you some of the key lessons we have learnt from Steve over the years. Steve works with both institutional and retail traders all around the world, is a highly sought after speaker, an authority on trading psychology and an accomplished author. Todays complimentary newsletter is a timely excerpt from Steve Wards book, High Performance Trading. Strategy 16 - Handle Losses Like a Winner.

Parity: A Forex Trading Strategy

In this video Craig Cobb discusses the importance of parity when trading the forex markets and outlines a trading strategy which can be used to profit from it.

Stocks and Currencies this Week

Nick McDonald takes a look at the situation facing stocks and why a short term pullback is looking more and more likely in the midst of a longer term bull market. The US Dollar is showing increasing signs of strength which Nick discusses in this weeks currency market video.

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