Trade With Precision Newsletter - Education

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Craig’s Live Commodity Scan

In this week’s free newsletter Craig takes a look through a number of Futures markets including Crude Oil, Orange Juice, Rough Rice and 5 Year Treasuries. Craig illustrates how well some of these futures markets can trend once they get going and he creates a plan for how to approach each market.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Adapting Your Trading to Market Conditions

This is probably a more advanced article in relation to trading content as to be able to read market conditions and compare them with previous market conditions you need to have gained a certain level of experience in the markets. However, regardless of the level of experience you have in the markets this article will aim to make you aware that the market does go through different conditions and as traders we need to learn how to adapt our trading to the conditions we find ourselves in.

A Traders Motto; React to Confirmation


Here at Trade With Precision (TWP) we teach a small range of trading strategies that, if applied correctly and over a large enough sample set of trades, will stack the probability of success on the trader’s side. These simple strategies are always in the direction of the overall market trend and have a “check list” of essential criteria to be met before placing an order in the market.  We call this ‘technical trading’ and it brings order and consistency to an otherwise random and chaotic market. 

Range Bound Start to 2015 for US Stocks

Since the start of the year the US Stock market has been somewhat range bound making it hard for swing traders to get positioned for longer term trends. The market seems to have been up allot one day and then back down the next, making it increasingly hard to predict what’s going to happen next.

Live Platinum Trade

This week Craig Cobb takes us through his analysis on Platinum which he has now raised an order for. Platinum has been in a strong downtrend and the daily chart has had a pullback to the sell zone to alleviate some of the buying pressure. Yesterdays candle has closed bearish which is indicating that the sellers are starting to step back into this market. Check out the video below for Craig's full analysis on this chart...

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Intra-day Index Trading

In this week’s free newsletter Tamar Mehr takes a look into intra-day index trading. As a number of FX pairs start to show indecisive direction, some index markets are presenting traders with strong momentum and ample trading opportunities. Tamar also goes on to explain which index markets are open during various time zones so no matter what time zone you’re in there should be plenty of opportunities to trade these markets

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Pride and Parity. Which will be first? Which will take a fall?

With the Cricket World Cup nearing the quarterfinals and the Aussie and NZ dollar with only 4 cents apart, it is hard not to come up once again with sporting and trading metaphors.  It is after all a TWP speciality!  

Flawless Execution - GBPUSD Trade Review

Flawless Execution is a word we use at Trade with Precision allot. Simply put, flawless execution is executing your strategy perfectly according to all of your trading strategy rules without making any errors along the way. If you can flawlessly execute each and every single trade that sets up according to your rules then you should come out ahead after a given number of trades. Using an example from a trade which setup this week on GBPUSD, we will take a deeper look into how we can achieve flawless execution in our own trading.

Market Watch – Corn Short

After doing a full scan through the Forex and Futures markets, there’s one chart that is particularly stands out which we thought we would alert you to and that chart is Corn. Before you start reading on we recommend you open up your charts and take a look at the Corn chart and try to work out what type of entry you think we may be looking for on this market. It’s all very well us showing you what we are looking for but you’ll learn allot more if you also get involved in analysing the charts with us.

When Was The Last Time You Were Wrong?

I am asking you this question in regards to being wrong in the markets. When did you make a call and it was wrong?

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