Trade With Precision Newsletter - Education

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Zen in the Art of Trading

This is the 1st article in a series on Professional Trader Habits and Beliefs by Adam Harris.

Zen in the Art of Trading or how simple, repetitive exercises can produce excellent traders.

“The man, the art, the work--it is all one.”

― Eugen Herrigel

Metals ready to move?

Following on from his earlier article on 18th June 2015, Hao Sun revisits the Precious Metals markets and takes a look at the potential trades setting up on Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium. Are these metals ready to move? What trends can we see to give us a hint of where they are headed?

Fantastic Four

In the wake of the dramatic standoff between Greece and the European Union, markets are more volatile than ever! It is not uncommon to wake up on Monday morning and be greeted by massive gaps upon the open. Both hearts and accounts are pumping; but are there any markets out there that are not directly linked to the Greek situation?

The one Thing to Consider when Trading ETFs

One of the many great features of the trading strategies you can learn here at Trade With Precision is that they are applicable to any product and timeframe.

NZDUSD – A Prolonged Downtrend

From time to time, we are able to observe fairly large downward moves on NZDUSD. In the preceeding 5 years, we have seen the Kiwi trade between 50 cents to near parity against the Dollar. However in spite of this large range, over the last couple of months the Kiwi seems to be headed in only one direction i.e. down. From our charts, we see that NZDUSD has tracked through key levels of .77 before testing .72. Where will it go from here?

How I Learned to Stop Worrying

I'm pretty sure that anybody who has ever placed a trade in the markets knows the feeling that as soon as your money is on the line you feel a certain tension and want to watch how your trade is doing. You did all your homework, double-checked the essential and bonus factors for the setup and you feel confident that this trade definitely has to be a winner. How can it not be?

Keeping it simple

Trading is not as complicated as you may think. Although there are a myriad of trading apps, charts and record-keeping software out there, often it is the trader that keeps things simple who gets ahead in the end.

“It Can’t Go Further!”

Allowing yourself to form judgements about the market is one of the common reasons traders come unstuck. As human beings, we all have a deep seated desire to be "RIGHT" but if we let this get the better of us, then our ability to objectively assess price action becomes impaired. Many traders, both inexperienced and experienced alike, can be tempted to hold views on whether an ongoing trend is likely to reverse or continue. Can you see past statements such as "It can't go further!" and trade objectively?

Precious metals: A top down approach

When trading stocks or foreign exchange, technical traders often look for the strongest trends from the strongest sectors or pairs. The same approach can be applied to trading precious metals as well. In his latest article, Hao Sun discuss his top-down approach to scanning the markets for precious metals. He shows you step-by-step how to identify and eliminate set ups that aren't as strong and discusses how you may formulate a trade plan based on these insights in line with your overall trading strategy.

Addicted to Action

It takes wisdom and self-control to resist taking trades that aren’t the best fit for your trading strategy. Especially if you have not traded for a while. Sometimes the temptation to trade for the sake of trading can be so great that you end up taking shortcuts or miss glaring red-flags on a potential trade set up. Being addicted to action clouds your judgement and is detrimental to your long-term success. What can you do to overcome the urge to jump right in?

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