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Charts of Interest - Nasdaq 100, USDSGD and GBPAUD

The end of the trading week is fast approaching however there's still a bit of time left to continue looking for that next trade to come about. We thought we would take you through 3 charts which are certainly worth keeping an eye on through to the end of this week and even early next week. There's no precise trade setups on these charts quite yet but there's ceratinly potential trading opportunities developing. 

Plan the Trade and Trade the Plan

Planning ahead is so important in any facet of life. Whether you're planning an overseas trip for your family or planning out your working career, we've all had to plan ahead in life and it's essential in order to achieve our end goal. The Cricket World Cup which starts this week in New Zealand and Australia would have had many thousands of hours spent on it planning out every little detail. Clearly it's the level of planning that goes into an event such as this which makes it so successful. 

Stalking USDSGD Long

Our job as traders is to scan the markets until we find a valid trade setup according to our strategies. We then enter the trade according to our rules and manage our risk while we are in the position. Depending on where our stop loss and profit target levels are we then exit the trade with either a profit or a loss (yes all traders have to learn to takes losses, it's just part of the business) and then repeat the process in search of the next trade. 

Knowing when NOT to trade - The Warning Signs

Knowing when to stand aside from the markets is just as important as knowing when to be actively seeking trading opportunities in the markets. It's something that professional traders do really well and something that beginners really struggle with. 

The Art of Stalking

Craig Cobb takes us through how he goes about planning out his trades and creating a stalking list of charts to keep a close eye on.  It’s all very well finding a chart that is trending strongly but the art of trading comes with the timing of your entry. The timing of entries comes about from planning out trades in advance and watching them until they setup perfectly.

Corn Heading Lower?

Today we want to take a detailed look into Corn as the chart is setting up nicely to be looking for trades to the short side. By the end of this article we will have come up with a possible trade plan for trading this market short. Corn is currently closed right now so it gives us a chance (without time pressure) to take a look at what we might like to see once it re-opens in a couple of hours.

Stalking EURUSD Short

There are a few key themes in the Forex market that continue to lead the way in 2015 and that is US Dollar strength and Euro weakness. When you get one strong currency and pair it with a weak currency you get a really nice trending market. That is what we continue to see on the EURUSD forex pair.

Bullish Day for US Index Markets

US Index markets strengthened throughout the day today and had an especially strong close to the session. US Stocks have shown strength all week with still one trading day left which may lead to further gains.  The charts below are the DOW and the S&P 500 Daily Charts.  As you can see today's move was a big one and on days like these there are usually opportunities to trade if you have a strategy that you can apply across all timeframes. 

Multiple Market Benefits

There are a huge amount of markets right across the world that you can trade, however allot of traders just choose to stick to just one or two markets. Some traders may even just trade one forex pair like EURJPY. But what happens when the EURJPY chart doesn't show any clear direction? They continue to trade that market and lose money trading in poor, choppy conditions. If you are one of those traders you might want to end the frustration and consider opening yourself up to a whole range of markets including Forex, Commodities and Stocks. When you have the ability to trade many different markets you have higher odds of finding charts with clear direction which will be allot easier to trade than charts with no clear direction.

The Importance of Having a Trading Plan - Part 2

In Part 1 of The Importance of Having a Trading Plan we talked about Goal setting and how to plan which markets you are going to trade and with what strategies. These are two key subjects in which your trading plan should now cover. Hopefully everyone has started putting together their trading plans for 2015 and hopefully Part 2 of this article helps you finish them off. In Part 2 we are going to take a close look at how to include Money and Risk Management, Daily Trading Routines and Record Keeping in your trading plan.

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