Trade With Precision Newsletter - Education

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5 Simple Tips to Beat Procrastination when Learning to Trade

Procrastination has been called the "killer of time" and "opportunity's assassin". If you believe procrastination is impacting your trading,  here are 5 practical steps to help you!

5 steps to control Impulse Trading


Craig Cobb provides 5 tips to ensure you avoid impulse trading - especially when trading volatile market conditions.

Trading Insights from the 16th Century

A complete trading strategy not only focuses on when to get in, but also when to get out and even more importantly, on how much to risk.

Why Technical Analysis is a Better Tool for Understanding the Market

Have you ever placed a trade only to have it go the other way? Or maybe you’ve closed a losing position only to have the market turn around and charge strongly in the direction that would have benefited you. Often, we can feel like the market is playing games with us (and with our hard-earned trading capital)! Are there any tools out there that can help us better understand where the market is headed?

EURJPY Presenting A Potential Trend Flow Trade

One forex pair that has started to trend strongly and give us buy signals is EURJPY. With price now in an uptrend and back in what we call the “buy zone” there is now scope for a further move higher. 

Are you a Trader or an Investor?

Are you a trader or an investor? Why would you need to know? Well quite simply, knowing which camp you belong to will save you time in identifying the information that is relevant to you! There is a proliferation of information relating to the markets these days, and knowing which information to absorb, specifically which strategies to pick and practice, is key to sustainably growing your capital.

You Learn More from Losing, than you do from Winning

This is the 2nd Article by Adam Harris and is part of a series on Professional Trader Habits and Beliefs

Why you should understand the difference between how much you win, and how often you win.

The Falling Loonie

Although Canada is just next door to the USA, it appears to have had no luck sharing the same fortune of its neighbor! While the US economy (and currency) have gone from strength to strength, Canada's economic outlooks remains poor. What does this mean for traders looking at the Canadian Dollar? 

Trading After a Holiday

Honestly speaking, it can be hard to come back to work after taking a holiday. Even though trading is my hobby and I wouldn’t classify it as work per se, I do admit getting back into the swing of things can sometimes be difficult for me, especially if I have been away for a while.

Precious Metal Meltdown!

Just last week, Hao Sun revisited Precious Metals and gave us his views on where these markets were headed. With Platinum and Gold both starting the week with major moves to the downside, it would seem that Hao's views are confirmed!

This week, Craig Cobb provides a fresh pair of eyes as he writes about what he sees playing out in the same markets Hao was stalking. As our resident "hunter", Craig jumps on these confirmed down trends in Platinum, Gold and Silver, outlining his plan for joining the push downwards.

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