Trade With Precision Newsletter - Psychology

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Trading as a Business: Part 1

Successful traders regardless of age, ethnicity or gender share a common trait; that is they all see their trading as a business. Unlike people who come into trading looking for the Holy Grail or a way to get-rich-quick, successful traders are in for the long run. They see and do things differently, and it comes as no surprise that they are still trading profitably when the masses crash and burn.

Staying In The Right Frame of Mind

One of the challenges faced by both professional and aspiring traders alike is staying in the right frame of mind when trading. In our last article we spoke about the importance of timing, and like poorly timed trades, other factors in life can also adversely affect your trading if you do not have a plan to handle them.

The Importance of Timing

In trading, timing is everything. As you scan the market looking for opportunities that fit your trading strategy, it can be tempting to do one of two things, both of which are highly detrimental to your long term trading success. It is important to wait for the right timing, simply because this develops discipline and improves your ability to trade methodically.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Trading Results

As professional traders we often get asked to share our experiences from when we first started trading. This is a common request and we are happy to share what we have learnt since almost everyone we encounter wants to avoid amateur-ish mistakes. However, just as you can’t fly a plane after listening to a pilot talk about flying, it is unrealistic to expect that you will be able to trade like a pro right from the get go simply by listening to a professional trader talk about trading.

A Traders Motto; React to Confirmation


Here at Trade With Precision (TWP) we teach a small range of trading strategies that, if applied correctly and over a large enough sample set of trades, will stack the probability of success on the trader’s side. These simple strategies are always in the direction of the overall market trend and have a “check list” of essential criteria to be met before placing an order in the market.  We call this ‘technical trading’ and it brings order and consistency to an otherwise random and chaotic market. 

Pride and Parity. Which will be first? Which will take a fall?

With the Cricket World Cup nearing the quarterfinals and the Aussie and NZ dollar with only 4 cents apart, it is hard not to come up once again with sporting and trading metaphors.  It is after all a TWP speciality!  

When Was The Last Time You Were Wrong?

I am asking you this question in regards to being wrong in the markets. When did you make a call and it was wrong?

Learning to Accept Losing Trades

Successful traders who make money consistently over time have learnt how to deal with losses. They know that taking a loss on a trade is just the cost of doing business for a trader. They think of trading losses as a business expense, they are inevitable, but as long as they are able to generate more profit than loss then they’ll end up profitable.

How To Start Positively

The start of a new year always brings with it a conundrum for traders. How do you start the year off on a positive note? If you carried good trading and momentum into the 2014 end of year break then how do you pick up where you set down? If you have decided that 2015 will be the year you start trading or will get some help, what do you do? Here are some guidelines, which I hope will help:

Getting What We Want From The Market

Getting what we want from the markets often seems to come at a great cost and it is this struggle that confuses and confounds many of those who start out on their trading journey.  It is often the cause of the majority of would-be hopefuls who give up in their quest for trading success.

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