How To Start Positively

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The start of a new year always brings with it a conundrum for traders. How do you start the year off on a positive note? If you carried good trading and momentum into the 2014 end of year break then how do you pick up where you set down? If you have decided that 2015 will be the year you start trading or will get some help, what do you do? Here are some guidelines, which I hope will help:

Starting off on a positive is different to starting out with a win. I judge my trading on how well I am trading -  not my P/L, because I know good trading will pay me in the long run. My plan each year has been to wait for a truly flawless trade to come along before I trade. This allows me to feel confident in any outcome, winner or loser. If I was to take an average trade and I make a loss then I carry the whole “Why did I do that? I must be in a rusty mindset”. Of course, this attitude does not help at all. When I take a flawless trade based on my strict rules I am always happy and confident no matter the outcome.

The above answer also applies to the question “How do I pick up where I left off?” Good trading is the cause for good consistent results so to pick up where you left off if you were making good gains is as simple as starting your trading year with the same top quality trades as you ended the previous year. Again the use of a structured strategy with rules in place will ultimately help you achieve your goals.

Finally, if 2015 is the year you have decided to step up to the mark and become a better trader or, in fact, just get into trading from a ground level, then the message remains clear to you too. You need to find a way to get a structure to your trading. You don’t just need a strategy, you don’t just need some capital and you don’t just need more time. The fact is I only trade a maximum of up to 3 hours a day for my returns and often much less. You need a plan with checklists, a routine to follow, a desire to succeed, realistic goals to achieve, a good mentor to help you throughout and a bit of money to put into an account to get started. Do your due diligence on a firm that you believe can provide you with what you need, then take the steps to work with them to acquire their knowledge.

So you want to get started but...............

  • You don’t have the time.
  • You need more money.
  • This time of year isn’t good for you.
  • You have a strategy that hasn’t worked yet but you are very close.

Honestly that’s fine. I am not asking you to trade or educate yourself. In fact, I only want to work with the people that really want to be good or better traders. There are so many more people out there that will continue to trade through 2015 getting the same results they did in 2014, scratching their heads wondering why, but these people won’t take action to change. I don’t mind at all, but for the people that are going to make a change this year and go and get what is out there for them with some commitment, work and desire, then I applaud you and hope that I personally, or the TWP team, can be of service to you. We know what we are doing, we are extremely good traders and we have the skills and products to help.  We can communicate all this to you. Our current clients are testament to this.

To all of you, I wish you all a fantastic 2015 and if I get the pleasure of helping you out this year then so much the better. Start POSITIVE and Stay POSITIVE!

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