Live Webinar:

Webinar EXCLUSIVE: 2hr Course Package Taster- 17 February 2015


EXCLUSIVE Live webinar: 2hr Course Package Taster

Attend this live webinar to experience the first 2 hours of TWP’s trader training material.

Limited Spaces - Register Now!


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It's happening Tuesday 17th February

  • 3pm New York
  • 8pm London,
  • 7am Sydney (next day),
  • 9am Auckland (next day)

Host: Toby Genaro

Craig Cobb

Toby heads up the Outsourced Education team in the US, combining his passion for trading with trading strategy education and managing relationships with TWP’s corporate clients. Toby’s daily regimen revolves around trading the futures markets, ETF’s, stocks and options, and ensuring TWP’s corporate education programs  adhere to the strict, self-imposed training standards.

Additionally, Toby shares his trading skills and strategies with subcribers to the Precision Perspectives video newsletter.

We'll help to connect the dots ... (be prepared for a valuable webinar)


  • PLT checklist builder
  • Expansion checklist builder
  • The 4 keys to success trading
  • How to think like a successful trader
  • Common traits of the Market Wizards you need to know
  • How to think in probabilities for trading success
  • What you need to know about Equity Curves
  • Why you need to understand the Expected Profit Factor (EPF)
  • How Visualisation techniques can impact your trading
  • Trend analysis techniques: How to dissect a trend

Why is it important to be on this Free Webinar? And who is Trade With Precision?


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