VIP Mentoring
Resolve your most stubborn trading issues with one of our most experienced Traders!
VIP Mentoring with a TWP full-time trader is worth its weight in gold. You will discuss with your mentor the areas you want to focus on and then work with your mentor to come up with a personalised plan of attack.
It will be intense. You will need to be focused. We are not promising it is going to be easy by any means.
VIP Mentoring is a great opportunity to fast track your trading education and get to the heart of any stubborn issues that you may have.
- VIP Mentoring is 12 hours of Personal Mentoring split in any way you like.
- You decide when you wish to take each VIP session.
- All sessions will be conducted via Skype
Although your mentor will construct a personalised program of sessions specifically tailored for you, below are some example topics you may wish to cover:
- Getting started (beginners only)
- For the absolute newbies, a 3 hour session to cover all your questions
- How to set up and configure your charts
- Placing trades, navigating deal tickets, using stops, order types in depth
- Questions on course content (if already taken)
- Trading plan and rules
- How to establish a trading routine you can stick to
- How to identify the most suitable markets for you
- Money management rules
- Scanning and Live trading
- We watch how you scan
- We show you how we scan
- In depth multiple timeframe practical tests
- Trades from start to finish
- Records and Review
- Taking screenshots and why
- How to make the most of Trading Clinics
- The art of keeping a trading journal
- Self review techniques
- Trader Mindset
- What is on your mind? What is your biggest challenge? What do you think when you are in a trade? What is the main thing holding you back?
- A tailored session based on the answers
- Technical Improvements
- Technical intricacies - each key ingredient explained on live charts
- Strategy overview - you teach us the strategies so we can see how well you know them
- Full review of your trade screenshots, looking for common themes, mistakes, strengths, weaknesses, etc.
- Trade management techniques and rule adjustments
- Market Specific Session
- Trading Stocks with Craig Cobb and Hao Sun
- Trading Index Futures with Simon Clarke
- Trading the DAX with Tamar Mehr
- Trading Forex with a recommended mentor or a mentor of your choice
We will allocate a mentor to you in a suitable time zone and with availability. If you have a preference of mentor, please let us know once booked.
Click "Select Your Mentor" below to know more about the VIP Mentors.
VIP Mentoring:
Read full terms and conditions in advance of purchase here