Welcome To Traders Alliance
The Ultimate Traders Support Network
Make 2015 the year to take your trading to a professional level and improve your performance.
Trading can be a lonely pursuit especially when you are experiencing the highs and lows which come with learning any skill. Imagine how much easier the process would be if you had a small close knit alliance of like-minded traders to share ideas and experiences, motivate and support, and most importantly learn from? Then imagine taking that concept one step further by adding a TWP trader, mentor and Precision Perspectives presenter to the group where he would lead and participate in the group to ensure you are constantly learning and focussed on achieving your goals? Welcome to Traders Alliance!
What can you expect from the Traders Alliance:
- We take on a maximum of 4 traders per group to form independent Groups.
- Your designated TWP team leader will have a high level of involvement with your group to help achieve maximum performance of all members
- Before being allocated to your mentoring group you will be required to participate in a short survey so we can fit each trader to a mentoring group which is made up of traders who have a similar skill level, trade similar markets, trade in similar time zones and are aiming for similar goals. If we do not have a suitable group for you initially then we will either offer you a space on a waiting list or refund your money.
- Each mentoring group will meet (via the internet) formally for a 1 hour intensive workshop once per week for the first 7 weeks and then once per month for the following 5 months. Each of the 12 official workshops will be lead by a TWP mentor and whilst it will have set learning objectives, your mentor will also tailor each session to ensure the group is achieving its trading goals as quickly as possible.
- After the initial 7 week intensive induction each mentoring group will be set up to continue supporting and guiding each other on a weekly basis with your mentor joining the group monthly for the remaining 5 sessions.
- Outside of the scheduled workshops the group will be in regular contact with their mentor and the other group members via a dedicated skype chat group where the sharing of trade ideas and setups will be encouraged.
- At each workshop members will be set learning objectives, goals and homework which they MUST complete before the next workshop. It will be an intensive 7-8 months for all Group Mentoring members.
- Warning: If you are afraid of hard work then this is NOT for you! Full participation is essential!
- The first Trader Alliances commenced early in 2012 - read feedback below
Membership Conditions
- We have a number of conditions that are set out for members but one major one - You MUST attend the scheduled workshops, trade actively and complete the tasks set by your mentor. If you put the effort in, then we will stick with you to help your performance improve. If you are not committed to completing the steps for successful trading then we cannot force you to and hence the application process... committed traders only need apply!
What others are saying (read full testimonials at bottom of page):
"...Since joining PTA my execution based performance has improved significantly..." - Frans Engberg, Sweden
"...Nick and Graeme have been fantastic as group leaders sharing with us their experiences, giving us support and getting us to do the things professional traders do and I am getting better results... Anyone serious about growing as a trader should really contemplate the PTA program" - Godfred Richardson, London UK
"The biggest change to my trading has come through Graeme. As a leader, he brings a wealth of psychology and has helped me to turn some of my biggest weaknesses into strengths. By suggesting how I might create a supportive trading environment, I now approach my trading in a calm and unhurried way and have felt more ‘in the zone’ than I have ever felt before. As a consequence, the trades I place are fewer but far more precise. I thoroughly recommend becoming part of a PT Alliance if you are serious about improving your trading" - Daphne Morgan, London, UK
"The depth and scope of both the course and the participants astonish me. The improvement in my trading business has gone way past surprise to AHA!" - MaryAnn DeRaad, Tucson, Arizona
Read more testimonials at bottom of page
In order to qualify for Traders Alliance membership you must fulfil these minimum requirements:
- Must have attended the Mastering the Markets course (anything from Silver upwards)
- Must have been trading actively for a minimum of 3-6 months - this is for intermediate to advanced traders only.
- Must be committed to improving your trading, be prepared to participate actively in the mentoring group and do all that is asked of you by your mentor
Satisfaction Guarantee:
If after completing the 3rd mentor lead group session (of the 12 provided) you are not completely satisfied for any reason then you simply need to notify us in writting within 5 working days of completing the 3rd mentor lead session and we will refund 100% of your original payment.
Purchase now in the currency of your choice:
Or Contact Us or book a complimentary 1-2-1 consultation to discuss your individual requirements
Full Testimonials from Traders Alliance Members:
"Being part of The PTA group has been of great benefit my trading, I have learned the many aspects there are to the finer points of trading psychology and gained better discipline in the various tasks required for successful trading. The biggest change is am now thinking and taking action like a professional. Nick and Graeme have been fantastic as group leaders sharing with us their experiences, giving us support and getting us to the things professional traders do and I am getting better results. Also working as part of team meeting other students enriched the learning process. Anyone serious about growing as a trader should really think contemplate the PTA program" - Godfred Richardson, London UK
"Since joining PTA my execution based performance has improved significantly. The clear focus on weekly goals and actions through a weekly report and the accountability for my trading is the key to my improved trading results. Note that my performance based result has not reached a requisite level yet since it’s still early in this PTA period. The biggest difference to my trading now is my trade review is much more solution directed through a weekly report summary. The weekly trading report has enhanced my focus on specific things to improve in my trading and that has been very beneficial to my trading results.I find that Graeme as a leader is very positive and friendly and that strikes me immediately. He talks simply and clearly which makes it easy to understand. With his calm and structured way he runs group meetings efficiently." - Frans Engberg, Sweden
"It is wonderful to have committed people together to share their wisdom. I have never shared anything about my trading with anyone except my wife before - a key piece of psychology I believe - but I am really discovering the benefits of having like-minded people to share experiences, draw upon leanings and see that we are all on a committed path of growth as traders" - Mal Sluggett, Brisbane, Australia
"I would just like to say how great it has been to be involved in the PT Alliance beta group. I have found having someone, or better yet a group of people, holding me accountable for my trading and my goals has been invaluable. It is a huge asset because on your own you seem to bend the rules a little and you don't push yourself to achieve your goals as hard as you should. Having a reason to keep up to date records has been a real bonus as referring to them has given me great insight into my trading habits which I never had before joining the group. The group also offers a social aspect which has been a real positive because trading can be a lonely occupation" - Phil Booth, Hamilton, New Zealand
"The most important part of the PT Alliance for me is the guidance of Nick and Graeme who have already walked the road I am now trying to. Being able to learn and participate with people who are already successful as traders is inspiring and motivating and I am certain I will become a better at trading as a result of being involved" - Sam Beguely, Auckland, New Zealand
"My experience of joining a PTA has been fantastic as my trading has benefited in a number of ways. As a leader, Nick demands the best; this has made me raise my standards as the weekly group review forces us to focus on our improvements amid weekly goal-setting. The biggest change to my trading has come through Graeme. As a leader, he brings a wealth of psychology and has helped me to turn some of my biggest weaknesses into strengths. By suggesting how I might create a supportive trading environment, I now approach my trading in a calm and unhurried way and have felt more ‘in the zone’ than I have ever felt before. As a consequence, the trades I place are fewer but far more precise. I thoroughly recommend becoming part of a PT Alliance if you are serious about improving your trading" - Daphne Morgan, London, UK
"Surprise Yourself is an inspiration sign on my wall, and I'm doing just that by committing to the PT Alliance. It's a course of instruction personally designed to educate the individual trader - and - this is way important to me - not to create clones of someone who has succeeded. The depth and scope of both the course and the participants astonish me. The improvement in my trading business has gone way past surprise to AHA!" - MaryAnn DeRaad, Tucson, Arizona
"Our particular group has traders who have strengths in different strategies. By sharing knowledge on each of the strategy setups, those with stronger results in particular strategies assist in identifying why they like or dislike a set up. They usually have better results because they are better at identifying stand out trades for that particular strategy. This knowledge is shared between members, assisting in identifying better trade set ups for each strategy, resulting in better trade results. Weekly reporting to the group provides an additional support structure, which ensures that you meet the discipline required to be a good trader. You have a responsibility to the group, which is in your interests, to maintain your rules and other documents, to keep them relevant and to notify the group of any changes" - Paul Donald, Auckland, NZ