Negative economic reporting is holding consumers back, expert warns
Press Release: 17-12-2008
Months of negative news about the economic downturn paired with precious little coverage of the opportunities it is creating means most people are unaware of how to profit from it, Nick McDonald says.
The UK’s leading financial market trading mentor advises consumers to look past the daily slew of downbeat news reports and learn to benefit from the seismic shifts in the economy, from the falling value of the pound to the spiralling housing market.
“In a bullish stock market the press tells people it’s a great time to profit and they go on a buying frenzy. In a bear market, the public are wrongly given the impression that it’s a bad time to make a profit. In trading, as with other investments, the time to do it is often when everyone else is telling you not to, like right now!,“ Nick says.
The opportunities for an experienced and an amateur FX trader are the same, with the only requirements to start being: an understanding of the rules of the game, a computer and a trading account, all of which Nick and his team can help with.
“With a little guidance to get started on the right path, anyone with web access and some time to learn the ropes can start to profit in a wide variety of markets and conditions,“ Nick adds.
Nick McDonald’s company, Trade with Precision (, teaches everyone from beginners to experts how to profit from these see-sawing currency markets and the time to learn and earn from them is now, he says.
“The media talks about the falling pound like it’s a bad thing, but it is simply part of the natural cycle and has to happen.
“Sterling will rise again as the US depreciates longer-term, it will also one day regain ground over the euro, but for now interest rates have come down, the British pound has come down AND this has created outstanding trading conditions. Traders want movement, up or down. These economic conditions have given traders exactly that!
“The media tells people the markets are volatile and that traders are losing money, so the public thinks it’s a bad time to trade ... that if the investment banking professionals are losing money, they will too. The truth is that it’s the best time to trade in years!“
The FX or forex market (financial shorthand for “foreign exchange“) trades 24 hours a day, making it easy for anyone to learn how it operates. It is the world’s single most heavily-traded market, with trillions in currency exchanging hands every day.
Trade with Precision’s next free introductory open evening is on Tuesday 3 February 2009 at the Radisson Edwardian Vanderbilt Hotel in South Kensington, London between 18:30-21:00. There are also dates scheduled for free online webinars on
Seminars are led by Nick as well as a team made up of his best students, who he has successfully steered towards profitability. Many have left their 9-5 day jobs to day trade from home full-time. Also speaking is one of Europe’s leading performance trading coaches, Steve Ward.
Trade with Precision will also be participating in ’Trading Symposium’ on 30th January 2009, featuring a day of talks and live trading with guests, including Larry Pesavento, the hugely successful US hedge fund trader as well as Emilio Tomisini, Tom Hougaard, Mike Baghdady and Nick McDonald.
Notes to Editors:
• Nick McDonald is the founder of Trade with Precision through which teaches and mentors people to trade for a living from home.
• He founded the company to teach people 'real' trading strategies, omitting irrelevant information which is not conducive to trading success.
• Nick and his staff teach a variety of scalping, intra-day and swing trading strategies using technical analysis on both FX and on Dow Jones futures.