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How Big are the Trading Markets?

They are Huge, really Huge and a trader only needs the most minuscule slither of that market to make a substantial income.

Let me put it like this; an average three bedroom house with one bathroom costs about $200,000 to build and that is not including the land, just the basic build price. It takes about 12 weeks to build that house. 

Trading with a Strategy Vs. Gut Instinct

In this week’s news letter Simon discusses the merits of trading with a trading strategy, and compares what the alternative rule set for a trader really is!

He looks through some of the markets he's been watching today sharing his analysis, and discussing set ups and examples which on the face of it where close, but didn't quite conform to all his strategy rules.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Trading Opportunities Around Key Levels

In this week’s video Tamar Mehr takes a look through some key markets highlighting the key support and resistance levels in which price is trading around. These key levels provide some really great trading opportunities and Tamar is looking to use these in combination with the trading strategies taught here at TWP.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Five Trading Lessons from the Football World Cup

The FIFA Football 2014 World Cup is finally over.  Football fan or not, it has been hard to miss. Global sporting events such as these unite us with a patriotic passion that often spans otherwise impenetrable barriers.

The Importance of Timing Your Market Entry

If I were given $100 for every time I had a conversation with someone that said they knew that the markets would go in a particular direction I would be happily retired right now. The fact with trading is getting the correct direction of the market is only the start and many people, in fact, most people can get direction right, yet still lose money consistently.

Trading Around Your Annual Vacation

Many of us will be taking vacations during the July and August period now that the northern hemisphere summer is upon us. The question is what do we do about our trading? Do we take a complete break? Do we leave one or two trades on, but not open the charts till we return? Do we plan to carry on trading whilst we are on holiday with family and friends?

Common Errors that Prevent Trading Success

Many new traders mistakenly believe that trading is all about finding a winning strategy with a market edge.  Whist this is an essential element, it isn't the only skill or technique a trader will need to master to ensure there trading business thrives. 

In this week's video Simon Clarke performs a retrospect review of a trade he called to TWP members last week and how a sound risk and trade management plan ensured he didn't succumb to the great human emotion of Greed!

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Why you MUST have a Trading Strategy

Many novice traders fail to realize the key to consistency in their trading.  I made money early on in my trading career by trading the stocks of businesses that I knew and understood.  But I really did not understand the key concepts of having a standardized way of looking at market price action to determine a more precise entry and exit strategy.  

Key Markets I'm Watching Right Now

One of the hardest parts to trading successfully is to be able to read charts and understand where the best opportunities for your strategies lie. In this video Craig takes you through his favourite trends for this week and outlines some of his plans should they unfold for each chart.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Mindset Matters

There are two types of traders. Those who realise how much mindset matters and those that do not.

I still get told by new/amateur/losing traders that “mindset does not matter”. A common phrase I hear is “I don’t need anyone to tell me how to think”. Yet the other group of traders, those who make money trading or are well on their way to doing so, disagree completely. In fact, in trading, business, sport and many other day to day activities, those who perform at the highest level do indeed rely on a coach or mentor and this person often focuses on the mindset to succeed rather than the underlying skill set. 

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