Trade With Precision Newsletter - Trade With Precision

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Scanning with a Day Job

“Can I still trade the markets around my day job?” is a question which we get asked all the time. The answer is always a resounding YES! The trick to successfully trading the markets while holding down a day job is to structure your trade scanning routine to work with a limited amount of time. We thought we would help you all out by outlining a scanning approach for those people with limited time on their hands. 

The Hidden Dangers of Scalping

Scalping is a type of trading approach which seeks to profit from small moves in an underlying trading vehicle on an intraday basis. Scalp traders aim to get in and out of a market many times in a day looking to profit from these quick moves. Scalping can be a profitable strategy if executed flawlessly however traders MUST be aware of the hidden dangers which scalping brings.

Mastering the Basics

Successful traders focus on doing the basics well and repeating the process over and over again which provides them with an edge. Amateur traders focus on looking for the next great indicator or the next Holy Grail trading strategy. Which camp would you put yourself in?

Energy Commodities Worth Watching

This week, Hao Sun walks us through his analysis on three energy markets including Natural Gas, Heating Oil and Gasoline. All of these markets are showing signs of weakening further so Hao takes us through some potential short entries that may setup in the near term.

Technical Analysis Tips for the Everyday Investor (Part 2)

If you haven’t already read Part 1 of this series then make sure you do so before reading on. In Part 2 of “Technical Analysis Tips for the Everyday Investor” we want to show you how to read the trend in a product which you may be looking to invest in. By simply reading the trend we believe that you can increase the odds of the investment working out for you. If you can align your fundamental view with a technical view then you’ll be much better off than if these two views are conflicting.

Technical Analysis Tips for the Everyday Investor (Part 1)

If you want to invest that cash which is sitting in your bank account earning miserly returns by investing in the stock, FX or commodity markets then read on to find out how you can increase the odds of your investment moving in the right direction. 

Predicting Price Action

What sets professional traders apart from amateur traders is that professional traders are able to predict price action and trade accordingly instead of continually chasing moves like amateur traders. By predicting price action, these professional traders are able to gain entries into markets before the bulk of the move occurs. In contrast, amateur traders are only drawn to the market after large price moves have occurred and they try to chase the market. By the time amateur traders gain an entry into the market, the professional traders are already unloading their position and ringing the cash register.

October - A Fresh Start

The first day of the new month brings a clean slate for many traders around the world. Allot of hedge funds and individual traders provide monthly reported results to round out the months trading. This provides them with a measure so they can start to review how they traded in September and then take any lessons learnt forward into October.   

Trading Currencies

There is little doubt that currencies are a very attractive market. The sheer size of it almost guarantees good liquidity and tight spreads. With the huge market size comes volatility which provides us traders with the markets moves and trends we are looking for. So how can you participate in this market? There are three instruments available for trading currencies and while they all allow you to trade the market, their characteristics and associated regulations (or lack thereof) make them quite distinct. So let’s have a look at what instruments are available when we want to trade the EUR/USD currency pair for example.

Managing Your State

The state of mind in which you are in when you’re trading the markets is extremely influential to your level of trading success. Managing your state of mind to enter into your “trading zone” whenever you are looking at the markets is a skill that can be developed and mastered.

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