Trade With Precision Newsletter - Stalking

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“It Can’t Go Further!”

Allowing yourself to form judgements about the market is one of the common reasons traders come unstuck. As human beings, we all have a deep seated desire to be "RIGHT" but if we let this get the better of us, then our ability to objectively assess price action becomes impaired. Many traders, both inexperienced and experienced alike, can be tempted to hold views on whether an ongoing trend is likely to reverse or continue. Can you see past statements such as "It can't go further!" and trade objectively?

Precious metals: A top down approach

When trading stocks or foreign exchange, technical traders often look for the strongest trends from the strongest sectors or pairs. The same approach can be applied to trading precious metals as well. In his latest article, Hao Sun discuss his top-down approach to scanning the markets for precious metals. He shows you step-by-step how to identify and eliminate set ups that aren't as strong and discusses how you may formulate a trade plan based on these insights in line with your overall trading strategy.

Index Trading Round the Clock

No matter where you are in the world, there are markets open for trading at a time that suits you. Of particular interest to professional traders are index markets. Index markets, also called indices, are volatile big movers, yet most brokers offer tight spreads on them because of the high trading volumes being transacted when that specific index is open.

A TRADING ADVANTAGE; Trading Leaders and Laggers

When we hear traders talk about leaders and laggers, it is usually in the context of trading equities. However, did you know leaders and laggers also exist in the forex markets? There is a trading advantage to be had by observing the price action on a leading currency pair and trading the lagging pair based on this insight. In his latest article, Graeme Kennerley talks about such timing differences and shows you a real example he is stalking right now.

Midweek Forex Market Update Ahead of Nonfarm Payrolls, 3rd June 2015

Nonfarm Payrolls are a high impact type of news announcement. They provide power for USD pairs to smash through current support and resistance levels, so what are the levels of particular interest to professional traders ahead of this? In her latest video, Tamar Mehr takes us through the USD pairs she's stalking, showing you the key levels and explaining potential trading opportunities to be had. Watch her video now!

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

USD Strength, - Are You with It?

USD strength has been one of the hottest topics in trading circles for the last 12 months. The Dollar is showing no signs of letting up, so which dollar crosses will you be stalking for the strongest trends to trade? In his latest article, Craig takes you through his favourite time frame and discusses four potential opportunities on popular Dollar crosses.

US and Japanese Equities Trend to Continue?

US and Japanese equities have been trending to the upside in their previous trading sessions. US equities have pushed higher for the last two days while Japanese equities have been grinding higher for the last four months. Are there opportunities still to be had in these markets? Watch as Toby Genaro takes you through his analysis of these two major indicies and explains what he is looking for in potential trading opportunities to the upside.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Four Bullish Indices

Where are the major global indices headed this week? Watch as Craig Cobb takes you through his analysis of the Russell 2000, Dow Jones, Nikkei and the DAX. Craig explains what he is looking for in these trends and discusses potential trading opportunities to the upside.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Copper Weakness to Continue?

Ed Seykota once said “The trend is your friend, until it ends.” How do you know if you are truly trading with the trend and not trading a correction or short-term pullback? In his latest article, Hao explains how he uses higher time frames to analyse trends before confirming trade direction.

Take a Tour with Tamar

Tamar Mehr takes us through several index markets around the globe, explaining the levels she is watching and the time frames she is utilising for trading opportunities

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

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