Trade With Precision Newsletter - Indices

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Bullish Day for US Index Markets

US Index markets strengthened throughout the day today and had an especially strong close to the session. US Stocks have shown strength all week with still one trading day left which may lead to further gains.  The charts below are the DOW and the S&P 500 Daily Charts.  As you can see today's move was a big one and on days like these there are usually opportunities to trade if you have a strategy that you can apply across all timeframes. 

Multiple Market Benefits

There are a huge amount of markets right across the world that you can trade, however allot of traders just choose to stick to just one or two markets. Some traders may even just trade one forex pair like EURJPY. But what happens when the EURJPY chart doesn't show any clear direction? They continue to trade that market and lose money trading in poor, choppy conditions. If you are one of those traders you might want to end the frustration and consider opening yourself up to a whole range of markets including Forex, Commodities and Stocks. When you have the ability to trade many different markets you have higher odds of finding charts with clear direction which will be allot easier to trade than charts with no clear direction.

Practical Stock Trading

Hao Sun runs through his Method for stock selection which he calls the Top-Down approach. Hao doesn't limit himself to only trading stocks from his country of residence, instead he takes a look around all of the major stock markets around the world to find his trades. With so many different stocks and markets to trade his Top-Down method for stock selection greatly narrows down the number of stocks he needs to scan to find trading opportunities. 

Key Markets I'm Watching Right Now

One of the hardest parts to trading successfully is to be able to read charts and understand where the best opportunities for your strategies lie. In this video Craig takes you through his favourite trends for this week and outlines some of his plans should they unfold for each chart.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Live Trade on S&P 500 with Binary Option

Watch Toby Genaro analyse the ES charts live while discussing a trade idea for the coming days using a combination of technical analysis and the unique attributes of Nadex Binary Options


Trading a Bull Spread on the US Small Cap Index

In this video Nick McDonald demonstrates a live intraday trade using a bull spread on the Russell 2000 and describes the technical reasons for doing so.

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