Trade With Precision Newsletter - Craig Cobb

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Key Markets I'm Watching Right Now

One of the hardest parts to trading successfully is to be able to read charts and understand where the best opportunities for your strategies lie. In this video Craig takes you through his favourite trends for this week and outlines some of his plans should they unfold for each chart.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Trading In The Buy & Sell Zone

This week, Craig talks you through the live charts that are currently attracting his attention with a focus on one very important technical factor... the trade zone. All of us at Trade With Precision use this zone in every single strategy that we employ to trade the markets.

Also this week we invite you to view our most popular webinar in our series. We will offer you insights into exactly what the 'zone' is, how to use it and some guidance on how you can add it to your trading strategy. This is a webinar not to be missed.


NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Explosive Futures Markets

Often at TWP you will hear and see us switch from market to market as we see trends emerge that fit our trading strategies. Futures can often be the most explosive of the markets we trade. We don't need to know why they explode and have such aggressive moves, all we need to know is how to take advantage and join these trends. In this video Craig shows a number of futures markets and gives you the opportunity to learn a bit more about how to approach them. If you don't already trade futures it may be time to start.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Live Market Update

In this video Craig takes you through the markets he is watching this week, what levels and scenarios he sees likely and exactly what he will be doing to take advantage of the current trends.

Also, Craig will discuss a fantastic offer for this month (we ran this offer last year and have since been inundated with requests to repeat it) so make sure you watch the full video.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

One Step That Could Change It All

Sometimes with trading you can find yourself bogged down under mountains of frustration. Gaining the clarity you need to see things clearly can be tough at times. It can also be closer than you think.

In this video Craig takes you through a very simple process that has made a huge difference to his trading over the years.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

Craig's FX Watch List & How to Become A Successful Trader

Craig provides an in depth look at some good trends and interesting price levels for the week ahead on the FX market.

To learn more about what it takes to become a successful trader make sure you join us on this week's webinar "How To Become A Successful Trader"

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

So Much Opportunity, Do You See It?

It is quite common for many traders not to know when the time is right to sit back and be an observer and when the time is to be more active and aggressive with your trading.

Are you aware of how good the markets currently are for trend followers and if you are do you know what your plan of attack will be? Craig shows you his picks of the many trends out there right now and explains how to learn more about how we Trade With Precision.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

The Best Traders Trade Like This

Craig takes you through his favorite trends in the markets right now and explains what he likes and what he's looking for as well as giving you an insight into how you could potentially boost your trading returns simply by understanding another market and how it works.

NB: For the highest quality viewing click on the wheel in the bottom right hand corner of the video and select 720p.  This will dramatically increase the video image from the default setting.

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