Trade With Precision Newsletter - Article

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Why you MUST have a Trading Strategy

Many novice traders fail to realize the key to consistency in their trading.  I made money early on in my trading career by trading the stocks of businesses that I knew and understood.  But I really did not understand the key concepts of having a standardized way of looking at market price action to determine a more precise entry and exit strategy.  

Mindset Matters

There are two types of traders. Those who realise how much mindset matters and those that do not.

I still get told by new/amateur/losing traders that “mindset does not matter”. A common phrase I hear is “I don’t need anyone to tell me how to think”. Yet the other group of traders, those who make money trading or are well on their way to doing so, disagree completely. In fact, in trading, business, sport and many other day to day activities, those who perform at the highest level do indeed rely on a coach or mentor and this person often focuses on the mindset to succeed rather than the underlying skill set. 

The Paradox of Trading

If there was one thing, and one thing alone, that freed me from the market and allowed me to interact on my terms, on my conditions, to enter and leave the market at will and not be battered by the vagrancies of sudden and unexpected market outcomes, it was understanding and then applying this Paradox of Trading.  

The Pros and Cons of Countertrend Trading

Have you ever wondered about trend trading and countertrend trading, and which is better or worse?  Here are some of the pros and cons of trading against an established trend.

Pullbacks, Opportunity and Mr. Buffett

What do pullbacks, trading opportunities and Warren Buffett have in common?  Pullbacks themselves very often create trading opportunities and if you trade stocks then no one is better at picking them than Mr. Buffett.  

“But Isn't Trading A Risky Business? "


A lot of people say to me that trading must be a terribly risky business and why would I want to enter such an arena when there must be other far safer ways to make a living.

My answer is always; “Yes, there are safer ways to make a living but there is no other business where I feel safer than in trading!”  

The First Rule of Trading Success: “No emotion = Discipline”

When I think back on my career, one of the most important breakthroughs to my success was mastering my own psychology and deciding that it was more important for me to stay in business, than to be right.

5 Things you can do TODAY to improve your Trading

Improvement in any endeavour is a critical part of success. There are undoubtedly a number of different things that one can do to improve their results in the markets. Here are five things I feel are critical to improving your trading and which can have an immediate impact!

10 Habits of Highly Successful Traders

Welcome to the first instalment of the new Trade With Precision blog!  We LOVE trading and we have a great team here who love talking about trading. In the coming months we will be showcasing a wide variety of new content from the TWP Trading team, including some great new speakers.

There are many trading topics that we can and will write about for future blogs. There are also many good habits that successful traders practice. I have picked just 10 of these good habits for today’s blog.

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