Live Trading Workshop London June 29 2016

Presents a

Live London Event

A Full Day of Live & Interactive Trader Training

Wednesday 29 June 2016,  10:00am-4:30pm

At the Live London Event, some of the things you will learn include:

  • Top tips to improve your daily scanning techniques.
  • The pros and cons of which time frames to use for scanning and analysis.
  • How to create a daily / weekly watchlist.
  • Technical v Fundamentals factors (including how to account for news-related events).
  • How to effectively prioritise Technical factors for TWP methods.
  • A closer look at horizontal levels and why you should pay closer attention to them.
  • Practical aspects of finding and placing suitable trades.
  • Strategies for daily/weekly income.
  • Look at  the live market (US open) / live trading.

Open-floor Q&A: ask us about your trading-relating issues and challenges.


Your Presenter: Adam Harris


Adam is one of our most talented and sought-after traders. He is an expert in TWP strategies and uses them to trade for multiple 7-figure regulated funds.


DATE: Wednesday  29 June 2016


TIME: 10:00am – 4:30pm


VENUE: Monticello House, 45 Russell Square, WC1B 4JP (Tel: 0207 399 7976)

Google map: Link to Map



  • PP Subscribers: FREE
  • Non-PP Subscribers: £179


- For Current PP Subscribers

Please just email us that you wish to attend and we will confirm your seat via return email.


- Non-PP Subscribers

If you are not currently a PP-subscriber, you have 2 Options.


OPTION 1: Subscribe to PP to attend the event for Free

You can enroll onto PP at the discounted rate of £79 p/m and we will be in touch to confirm your registration also by email.



SIGN UP HERE for PP Monthly Subscription 

(Discounted Rate of £79 p/m)


OPTION 2: Attend without subscribing to PP by paying a one-off charge of £179

If you would like to attend the Live London Event without subscribing to PP, you can pay a one-off charge of £179. We will then be in touch to confirm your registration also by email.


One off Cost for Live London Event (£179)

If you have any questions about this or anythign else regarding the Live London Event, please just email us